April 25, 2000

FAQ Page 1

How long has the company been in business?

Our founders began developing the Child Shield, U.S.A. , service in 1990. After nearly three years of refining the concept and developing its extensive agency, media, and law enforcement database, Child Shield, U.S.A. , first began its Registered Agents throughout America in March of 1993.

How long is the service good for?

The service is valid for two years. At our suggested retail price, it's only a few pennies a day per child. That's only about one-hundredth of what you pay to insure your car. (And your car can be replaced if it's stolen.)

Who shoots the videotape, the Registered Agent or the Parents?

The parents shoot their own child's Identification Videotape. One of the key elements that make parents comfortable with Child Shield, U.S.A. ; is the security that comes with knowing that no stranger has to come to their houses to videotape their child. Each Videotape Registration Service Kit comes with the complete instructions that teach parents how to properly shoot their own child's Identification Videotape in the privacy of their home, using any camcorder. Most parents of school-age children either own a camcorder or have at least one friend or relative who would gladly let them use theirs.

How many children can be put on one tape?

Only One child per tape. Each tape is given its own secret ID number which corresponds to the child whose image is on that tape. This eliminates any risk that a wrong child's video could ever be duplicated and distributed.

Where are tapes stored?

Child Shield, U.S.A. ™  maintains a separate facility outside its offices to ensure the safe storage of all videotapes. For security purposes, the location of the videotapes is known only to Child Shield, U.S.A. ™  officers, its Insurance Company, and the Chief Legal Counselor for the law firm which represents Child Shield, U.S.A.

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